¡Bienvenidos a mi página! Quiero compartir todos estos conocimientos, enseñanzas y sabiduria contigo y espero que encuentres aquí algo de utilidad para toda tu vida. Disfruta de las palabras que estan plasmadas en este blog por que son enseñanzas que me ha ido transmitiendo el gran Macrocosmos creador o lo que tu llamas Dios, Alá, Yavhé y vuelve una y otra vez, haré lo posible para que este sitio sea de tu interés y el de toda tu gran familia espiritual, si no estas muy apurado re distribuye este link con quienes comparten tu existencia planetaria, y recuerda... el futuro lo haces tu .

¡Gracias por tu tiempo! mi correo es :
rositaoldfield@yahoo.com.ar, escribeme, me comprometo a contestar a todas tus inquietudes, te saluda con afecto, Rosi.



March to the White House on August 1

Ivanka Trump

 Thank you @POTUS for taking critical action ending family separation at our border. Congress must now act + find a lasting solution that is consistent with our shared values;the same values that so many come here seeking as they endeavor to create a better life for their families

You can use any technical term you want to describe the prison situation of all the children that the Donald Trump government keeps in jail.
Throughout this political process, the human rights of children detained in an arbitrary and abusive manner have been violated. Nobody, not even a president of a free and sovereign country has the right to:
Abuse physically or psychologically
Torturing physically or psychologically
to children girls and adolescents.

Children and adolescents and their rights:
Right to life, survival and development
Priority right
Right to identity
Right to live as a family
Right to substantive equality
Right not to be discriminated against
Right to live in conditions of well-being and a healthy integral development
Right to a life free of violence and personal integrity
Right to health protection and social security
Right to the inclusion of children and adolescents with disabilities
Education rights
Right to rest and leisure
Right to freedom of ethical convictions, thought, conscience, religion and culture
Right to freedom of expression and access to information
Right of participation
Right of association and meeting
Right to privacy
Right to legal security and due process
Rights of migrant children and adolescents
Right of access to information and communication technologies, as well as to radio and telecommunications services, including broadband and Internet.
March to the White House on August 1

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